About Us
PT. BEJO AGRO LESTARI started a commodity trading business around the beginning of 2019. The commodity being traded at that time was coffee. The company operates in the city of Medan. Initially trading was still limited to trading raw coffee commodities. With the term green bean coffee/raw bean coffee. Sales are still on a small scale with the aim of sales in the city of Medan only. At that time the sales volume was around 20 tons per month. The company collaborates with several farmers and collectors in the coffee center areas of North Sumatra and Aceh. The production and processing process is also on Jalan Tangkahan Batu No. 12 Sigara-gara Patumbak, Medan.
Along with business development, the company expanded marketing outside the city of Medan, especially in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya and Jogjakarta. The company has several representatives or marketing offices in these cities. Production volumes also increased drastically in line with buyer demand. The increase in demand per year has increased by around 30-50% per year.
The company always maintains positive synergies with farmers, local traders, local commodity collectors and medium and large scale commodity buyers. Basically, the aim of establishing this company is to create maximum and profitable added value, not only for the company but also for several partners.
Everything we do is about providing the best and cleanest coffee for our customer, we prioritize our coffee quality. We strive to keep bringing the best to our products.